Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Kickstart: Finish Strong

Monday is here to fuck with you, like a shirt over your face while you're trying to perform a choreographed routine in front of a crowd. Don't let it win.

That girl is a soldier. I have trouble focusing when I'm typing an email and see a train going by across the river from my office window. She flawlessly performed a dance routine while not being able to see anything around her. She deserves all the rah-rahs.

Know who else deserves some rah-rahs? Jessica Storie deserves some rah-rah's. Why? Well, because Jessica deserves anything she wants...

Looks like the classic girl next door is all grown up. Let's go.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Shit Just Got Real

Spotted this on the news while I was in the barber's chair tonight and cracked the fuck up.

I is called a Porta-Potty. Seems pretty mobile to me.

It's the Weekend

Time to throw it like a porn star...

From Huffington Post.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Throwback Thursday Bonus: "Bro Rape"

One of the best video shorts ever produced. I've seen it so many times, but I'm just now recognizing the amazing acting quality of some of these performances.

Throwback Thursday: "Brown Sugar" -- D'Angelo

Word to D. Brown sugar will twist your head up.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Kickstart: Sand and Surf

It's Monday morning. That means you're probably looking for something to jolt you awake, like someone throwing cold water in your face.

You can always count on Blake Griffin.

This week's motivation is brought to you by the one and only Ms. Teyana Taylor:

A good booty says it all, doesn't it? Let's go.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Trailer: "Time Is Illmatic"

We live in the 30 for 30 era; and, as a result, any singular event given weight in my generation's mind will surely spawn a documentary exploring the depths of the story. Depths that are commonplace in today's news, but unknown 20 years ago, when the calmer news cycle of the day never bothered to drill that far.

My excitement for this doc is a cautious one; there are just too many ways in which it could go wrong. To be effective, it has to draw you into the belief that the release of a hip-hop album brought about a momentous change to the world we know. And while hyperbole is the law of the land in the artful realms of hip-hop and cinema, here in the real world I'm struggling to draw a connection between Illmatic and any historic upheavals of political or sociological significance in 1994. I am, to the core, an unabashed Nas fan. But I'm also an out-and-out realist.

Gap Analysis

Again and again, College Humor seems to be providing the most bitingly accurate social commentary these days.

Throwback Thursday: "Chief Rocka" -- Lords of the Underground

Can you count how many samples and lines were taken from this one track?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday Kickstart: Let Your Heart Sing

I'm going to blame this day-late start on yesterday (Apr. 14th) being TJ's birthday. So there. Blame the Jewish guy.

But credit to him for sending me this clip...which most of you have probably seen by now, since he sent it to me last week. Blah.

Now that's cultural appropriation I can support. I know TJ's birthday was just yesterday, but mine was a couple of weeks ago; so when Anne started singing "It's your birthday," I wholeheartedly believe she was singing directly to me. (Let's not focus on how much alcohol I drank before hearing and believing that...)

Let's talk inspiration. Something—or someone—that motivates you to set goals, and attack the workweek in hopes you'll find that one thing or person on the other end of Friday. In other words, meet Ms. Jade Adele:

Is that inspiring enough for you? Let's go.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Throwback Thursday: "Who Am I? (What's My Name?)" -- Snoop Dogg

Witness the moment a hip-hop up-and-comer ascended to the throne. This release was the moment "that dude who runs with Dre" became "that dude."

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Naked Woman Rages at Mickey D's

Bet you can't guess what sta—


...Oh, yeah, I guess you can.

From Faded Industry:
Unbelievable security camera footage shows a crazed topless woman in just her panties tearing apart a Florida McDonald’s. The video shows the nude, extremely agitated lady start her tirade by screaming into the St. Petersburg restaurant’s kitchen before slamming her head onto the counter in a maniacal rage. This isn’t a joke although watching it is extremely funny and entertaining. After proceeding to furiously dump the contents of a refrigerator onto the floor as employees stare in disbelief, she sticks her head under the soft serve dispenser and helps herself to a face full of ice cream.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Kickstart: Trolling for Talent

Always read the fine print. Always.

Dude was so focused on Tara Lynn and Layton that he didn't even think anything of it when the two guys got in, sat next to him, and started telling him to take his clothes off. That's some serious thirst.

And since thirst = motivation, this week's motivation is Ms. Layton Benton herself:

Let's go.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Throwback Thursday: "Fu-Gee-La" -- The Fugees

About 5 minutes after this video dropped, cats everywhere started falling in love with Lauryn. ...I was one of them.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Basic Training

1. I will never not refer to Puddy Patrick Warburton as "Puddy" upon first reference in a conversation.
2. He's one of the all-time greats.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014