Thursday, May 1, 2008

$25K Gesture

Paul Pierce was hit with a $25,000 fine by the NBA for what was deemed a "menacing sign" that Pierce made towards Atlanta Hawks player Al Horton during game three of the Hawks Celtics series.

Many people proclaimed Pierce was throwing up a Bloods gang sign, which I find pretty ridiculous. Why the hell would a professional athlete making millions of dollars make a fool out of himself by throwing up a gang sign during the middle of an NBA game?

The hand sign is actually something Paul Pierce does before every home game introduction, which is supposed to signify blood, sweat ad tears. That's one theory anyway. Here's mine;

Notice how Pierce's hand gesture is eerily similar to the one above labeled "B.K."

It was all a simple misunderstanding as Mr. Pierce was simply indicating to Al Horton that he wanted a Double Whopper with cheese after the game, and he'd be buying.


vtn said...

hahahahahah nice.

The Hero said...

lol @ "blood, sweat and tears"