Friday, May 8, 2009

Download: Crooked Straight Exclusive

Aight here it is for the fans. In an effort to not get smacked by copyright infringement, I'm not mentioning the artist, album title, label or any of that sh*t on this post. We'll put the interscope interns to the test with this one.

That being said, here is the advance copy of the new album.

I've taken a listen to nearly the complete album and I have to say I'm very (pleasantly) surprised. There's some dope songs on here as well as some real stink bombs that should never have been recorded. But that's always been my feelings with all of the best white rapper alive's LPs.

Not sure what my favorite song is but it might be "Deja Vu."


Zshare Download

Peace and if the blog is down and entangled in a lawsuit tomorrow, you know why.

P.S. If you like it, buy the album. Em is poor.

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