Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Down goes Canseco

Former NFL player Vai Sikahema did the rest of the sports world a favor by knocking Jose Canseco's ass out. In one round.

Canseco had issued a challenge (I believe to any other former athlete or celebrity) to anyone to put up (I believe $5k or so) in a boxing match.

Sikahema obliged and had no trouble making short work of my childhood hero (after several others including Rickey Hendo, Wade Boggs and Junior).

I've seen Canseco in action, having played baseball against him in a SoCal adult league and poker against him at Hollywood Park and he is one cocky son-of-a... However, he is a very cool guy and easy to talk to and I've never had a problem with him, although I have seen him tell someone at the poker table that he'll happily take them outside to whoop their ass. By the way, he's still on the roids.

I'm sure everyone he ever snitched on (and that's a lot of people), are sending Sikahema some thank-you cards.

Here's some footage of the fight.

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