Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"The Friend Zone"

I've got a buddy - G-Money, what up - who laments that he doesn't get enough chicks cuz he always ends up in "The Friend Zone." This is the mythic place where girls apparently like you a lot, but not enough to actually hook up with you. It's G-Money's contention that this place is a black hole, that once you're in it, you're stuck there for life.

I don't disagree that sometimes you end up becoming friends with a chick when you're really just trying to wax on/wax off, but I do disagree that it's a life sentence. After all, being a chick's friend means you're halfway there; it's a lot better than being a complete stranger on the other side of the bar.

Anyhow, I'm posting this "column" for the homie G-Money, and because it's f***ing hilarious. Enjoy.