Thursday, March 11, 2010

If She Owned a Prius She'd be Dead

This is...well, it's quite simply the best story of the year (thus far; but, even though we're only 3+ months into the year, it's going to be hard for this one to be topped). Props to the boys at Daddy's Sugar Ball for the find.
According to the Key West news site,, "Florida Highway Patrol troopers say a two-vehicle crash...was caused by a 37-year-old woman driver who was shaving her bikini area while her ex-husband took the wheel from the passenger seat...'She said she was meeting her boyfriend in Key West and wanted to be ready for the visit,' [a state trooper] said."

There is nothing in the article about the woman's profession—though I think we can all agree that she's quite the accomplished landscaper. And there's nothing here that confirms that she is now (or ever was) an exotic dancer; but, being familiar with the ways of the dancer as I am...I think it's a safe bet to make. From my experience, "Florida" + [obliviously dumb act] ÷ [inexplicably complicated matrix of relationships with men] = stripper. I can practically smell the baby oil while reading the story.


TJ said...

And none of the humor even takes into account that she was shaving the kitty in full presence of her ex-husband, who was in the car, while heading to her boyfriend's house. WTF?

The D.E.F.I. said...

I think PLENTY of the humor--both mine and that of the author of the first article--took that into account. lol.