Tuesday, February 7, 2012

FLOTUS Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee

Here's an excerpt from my phone conversation with my old man today.

Dad: "So long as [President Obama] doesn't do anything stupid before election day, like beat on Michelle, he should be okay."

Me: "Well, yeah, he'd have other things to worry about..."

Dad: "He'd have to deal with me. I'd have to go up to Washington and teach him some manners."

Me: "I don't even think you'd have to—Michelle can handle herself. If he slapped her around, he'd be on a cart being pulled up Pennsylvania Ave LONG before the election."

Dad: "A woman that we walk with at the track told me, 'Michelle Obama isn't attractive.' I said, 'Hater.'"

(For the record, that's a 75-year-old man calling someone a "hater." Don't ever wonder where I get it from.)

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