Monday, October 19, 2009

And Hundreds of UCLA Men Kick Themselves in Unison

If you were in a classroom sitting next to Shakira—she of the truthful hips and Latin tastiness—for an entire semester and never so much as asked her to pick up your pencil for you, you'd kick yourself too. The pop star has revealed that she took a history class at UCLA in 2007 as a way to relax (there's something so nerd-sexy about that), and managed to do so while keeping her true identity a secret the entire time.
How did Shakira manage to take a summer history class at UCLA in 2007 and not make headlines until after the course was over?.

The Colombian-bred international pop star revealed her successful game plan in a recent interview with the UK's The Guardian..

"I used to wear a cap and a big backpack," Shakira explained. "I looked like a boy. I didn't get recognized."

As a longtime UCLA fan, all I can do is shake my head. I'm sure both Kev (who has the genetic defect of being a USC grad) and TJ (who didn't go to USC, but would kill for a chance to carry her books to class) will have a field day with this one on the anti-UCLA tip. And, unfortunately, I'm not sure I can defend the male Bruins here—aside from the rather obvious fact that there are plenty of UCLA coeds who are well within range of (and even above) Shakira in the hotness scale when she's dressed down. It's a lot easier for her to blend in there than it would be for her to do so at, say, Eastern Illinois University.

The Yahoo Music blog about the story can be found here.


TJ said...

You, my friend, are a dick.

K Lew said...

sounds typical. probably chose not to go to usc for fear of liking it too much and becoming a full-time undergrad.

The D.E.F.I. said...


Kev--You're just jealous, son. lol.