Monday, April 13, 2009

Basketball shot that Corner Sleeper thinks is crazy

According to Corner Sleeper, this basketball shot by some random guy in some random gymnasium somewhere in the world was written about in Sports Illustrated.

Usually when posting a video of an amazing shot, it's either going to be ridiculously amazing due to the (1) person shooting it i.e. Lebron, Dwight Howard, etc., (2) the significance of it i.e. a high school game-winner, or (3) the athleticism involved. I guess this shot could qualify for the third reason but one has to wonder how many takes this guy did before shooting this. The other day before my game at L.A. Fitness, there was a guy bouncing balls off the wall into the basket. He was doing this for thirty minutes and would make about one out of fifteen and then ask all of us if we saw what he just did. Corner Sleeper with the assist hahaha.

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