Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tail Report: Nicole Lyons

I love me a beautiful woman. This is public knowledge. But what makes a woman exceptional? When she brings something more to the table than just a pretty face and a tight frame. This is the bonus plan you get with Nicole.

From Life + Times:
Some people were born to go fast. Drag racer Nicole Lyons is one of them. Lyons is a serious contender in multiple divisions for the National Hot Rod Association as a pro-stock driver. She is the first African-American woman to compete in the NHRA. On a good day, Lyon flies across the finish line of the quarter-mile in less than five seconds in her pro-mod ’69 Camaro that boasts over 3,000 horsepower. “You’re talking about the fastest motorsport in the world,” she says. “It’s an incredible rush and amazing thing to go that fast.”

In a few precious seconds, she has to steer, shift the car and make sure her parachute is pulled. “If anything is going wrong, in the blink of an eye I have to correct it,” she says. “If we were to wreck in one of these cars, it could be the end of it.” It all comes down to lightening fast responses.
Nicole's star is unquestionably on the rise. Does being a pretty face inflate her popularity and visibility? Of course. But she has the skills to back up the hype. She's ride or die.

Just the type of thing you'd expect from an exceptional woman.

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