Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mike Mitchell's 'bout to Get His Grown Man On

Most of you probably have no idea who Mitchell is. And of those of you who do, many of you have already written him off. But that's okay. Because Mitchell, taken in the 2nd round of the 2009 NFL Draft by my beloved Oakland Raiders, likes the hate. He feeds off it, like any focused man does. And he's determined to earn your attention and respect.

And ultimately, your love.

Here's a good article from by Jeffri Chadiha:
But here's what we all have to remember about Mitchell: He now has more reasons than ever before to prove himself in the NFL. He has the same hopes and desires and -- if you talk to him long enough -- as much heart as any other player in this class. It doesn't matter that few people outside the Mid-American Conference knew his name before Saturday or that he went much higher than expected in the draft. It only matters what he does with the chance Davis has given him.

That's why Mitchell can't wait to start his pro career.

The full article can be read here. And, as a special bonus, below is Mitchell's highlight film. I can't wait to see him start laying out opposing team's receivers and backs the way he does it here.

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