Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cooperstown accepts 756 with asterisk: bullshit*

The Major League Baseball Hall of Fame, aka Cooperstown, has decided to accept the record-breaking Barry Bonds homerun ball as a donation from clothing designer Marc Ecko, who took history into his own hands by branding an asterisk into the ball based on a public survey that he conducted on his website.

Bullshit if you ask me.

In my very humble and unbiased opinion, Barry Bonds is the best hitter in the history of baseball. He was a great hitter before he did steroids and an unstoppable hitter after he did steroids. The peak of his career was played during baseball's infamous steroids era, when everyone from Brian Roberts to Roger Clemens was on the juice.

How has the media decided who to villify during the unraveling of this scandal? The guy that treated them like an asshole during his career. Marc Ecko is not a baseball purist, he's an attention hound who took advantage of his sizeable income to purchase the ball, then use it as marketing for his website.

If this ball should have an asterisk on it, then so should the playing careers of every player who played from 1985-2006, Griffey included. I doubt Griffey was on roids, but with every other guy in the clubhouse sticking a needle in his ass, how can you be certain that he wasn't? You can't, especially not when he's gracefully putting balls into the third deck of every stadium without any apparent effort.

Don't get me wrong, Barry Bonds is not my favorite player. However, I respect what he did during his career and I do believe that he was on roids during his amazing homerun surge. But I also feel that he was a victim of his era. He bought into the steroid hype. Somewhere along the years, someone gave him a supplement and it helped him. He went from Barry Bonds to Super Barry. Andy Petite did the same thing, only he never became Super Andy, so he didn't stay on roids (so he claims). And there's no way to prove how long any player was on roids, or when they started.

If Cooperstown makes the right decision, they will display the homerun ball with the asterisk facing down (if possible).

1 comment:

Shiv said...

Definitely. It's a shame that Bonds legacy is the one singled out like that.